Land Acknowledgement — Sleeping Children Around the World

Sleeping Children Around the World Land Acknowledgement:

We acknowledge that we are meeting on the traditional and sacred territory of Canada’s Indigenous Peoples; the First Nations, Inuit and Métis nations who are the original inhabitants. We honour and thank them for their contributions and enduring dedication to the land on which we now stand.

We acknowledge the injustice and abuse done to Indigenous communities, and the need for collective healing.

As a global organization, we commit ourselves to Truth and Reconciliation through respectful listening, awareness, education and action. Worldwide, we stand in solidarity, to respect and preserve the land, the water, the air and to live in harmony.


Further resources for our learning journey: 

Let us find a way to belong to this time and place together. Our future, and the well-being of all our children, rests with the kind of relationships we build today. - Chief Dr. Robert Joseph