This being the first in person SCAW distribution since the start of the pandemic, there were many issues and concerns, one of which was the determination of the need for masking.

It was decided that the travelling team would take its lead from the country of distribution and the local distribution centres.

Prior to boarding the aircraft we were advised to wear a mask at all times except when eating.

Arriving in the Philippines at the Manila airport we were required to register on line all our vaccine history, including dates and which vaccine we received.

Within the airport masks were prevalent on most, if not all, of the people. This was also the case with ground transportation and at the hotel and adjacent mall.

We were advised that daily reporting of active cases was occurring and that the numbers in Manila were much higher than the outlying provinces which explained the stricter adherence to masking in the densely populated areas.

We, especially the photographers, think that the smile, always sought for in picture taking, would be missed since many of us consider the mouth turned up to illicit a smile which we believe signals joy, happiness, appreciation etc . A mask covering the mouth reminds us that these emotions are also expressed in other ways such as twinkling eyes, touch, laughing, giggles, body movements and, with these children, remarkable hand gestures indicating love, appreciation and joy. 

Joy is clearly evident in these photos!

We anticipate that those receiving pictures of children who have chosen to keep their masks on will be understanding and supportive of their choices for safety of self and others.
