The last distribution day is always bitter sweet. There are mixed emotions of exhilaration and sadness as we complete our mission with our new-found SCAW Nepal family. We will miss the beautiful scenery, the energy of the Rotaractors, the support of senior Rotarians and most of all, the children.
As we were having breakfast, we noticed a stream of heads going by the window. To our amazement, we realized that sand was being moved from the front of our inn, up several flights of steps, across the compound and down a steep slope to the terrace below our dining area.
As we headed back to gather our equipment for the day, one gentleman effortlessly carrying a heavy load, got off his cell phone to wish us "Namaste".
A hillside view
Getting organized
Rotaractors bundling bedkit contents
Landslide of 2015 destroyed water supply to school washroom
Bedkit on its way home
Rotaractors celebrating the completion of the bundling of the bedkits.
Now we await the arrival of the very last group of children.
And so concludes the 2024 distribution of 1500 bedkits.
The list of those who contributed to the success of the mission is extensive, but it starts with our caring and generous donors ... they make it all possible.
Team Nepal, 2024
Rotary Club of Himalayan Golfers🇳🇵+ SCAW 🇨🇦