Before each distribution begins, we speak to all the families and children.  We tell them “a day of hope begins with a good night’s sleep” and that sleep is good for their brains and their bodies.  We show them all the incredible items in the bedkit.  From both the families and the children, the biggest cheer seems to come when we announce the new “ngato” (shoes).  In fact, we’re not even sure that the children know they’re new - they are so accustomed to “new to them”.  The shoes in the bedkit are sandals which seem quite durable and come in red, black, or navy blue. 

We have noticed that many children wear no shoes at all.  Others wear winter boots.  Some wear dressy Mary-Janes.  Many wear crocs.  Some wear socks, though that is a rarity - a perhaps frivolous extra piece of clothing that would cost more money.  One child was seen wearing men’s shoes - many sizes too big for her small feet.  One of our team members noted that sometimes a family has “family shoes”- one pair of shoes shared amongst all members.  The person with the most important event gets to wear the shoes.  Getting a bedkit is a big event - worthy of the family shoes. 

Each item in the bedkit changes the life of both the child and their family.  The cheers, dancing, and “waveles” (thank yous) tell us that your donation is making a difference.

Team Uganda
Inner Wheel of Kampala 🇺🇬 and SCAW 🇨🇦
