Today might be a day off from distributions, but not a day off of SCAW promotion!
Our Rotary friend Sameer Rupani took us to the 17th Annual District 3131 Rotaract Conference. This is a two-day leadership development, learning and networking event for approximately 300 Rotaracts (18-30 years).
When we walked into the conference centre, we could feel the energy and enthusiasm of these young adults. The District Rotaract President, Drishti Singh warmly welcomed us.
Sameer had arranged that he and our SCAW team make a 40 minute presentation. Starting with our PPT (made into a video), we then had a fireside chat (Q&A) with Sameer about the work of the organization and our strong partnership with the Rotary Club of Pune Cantonment and other area clubs. The presentation ended with a video of the bedkit packing process in Pune.
Our timing was great, as we also met and briefly chatted with the Honourable Minister of Women and Children, Aditi Tatkare. She is a young female politician who is working hard to make positive changes in her State of Maharashtra, India. She had a SCAW brochure in her hand before she left. We also met Dr. Manesh Kotbasi, a recent Past Director of Rotary International.
After the session we enjoyed some fabulous Indian street food prepared by the Center.
This was a wonderful opportunity to engage with many of the Rotaracts and talk more about SCAW. I think we even convinced a few to join us later in the week for a distribution day!
For the children . . .
Team Pune, 2025
Rotary Club of Pune Cantonment 🇮🇳 and SCAW 🇨🇦